Multi-agency professional resources
On this page you will find a range of resources, policies, and guides with additional information on adult safeguarding.
Policies, procedures, guidance, and frameworks
- London Multi-agency policy and procedures
- Multi-agency Risk Assessment Framework - guidance aiming to provide an effective, coordinated and multi-agency response to complex cases which involve people who take or live with high levels of risk
- Mental Health Transitions Framework
- Promoting the MH Transitions Framework - presentation
- Patients-to-patients incidents - guidance on safeguarding incidents patient to patient in hospital setting
- Joint Protocols - medication, falls, pressure ulcers - guidance for health and social care staff to identify when a medication error should also trigger a safeguarding alert
- People in Position of Trust Framework - managing allegations against people in a position of trust
- Escalation guidance - guidance on how to resolve disagreements in relation to the London Safeguarding Adults Multi-agency Safeguarding Policy
- Cuckooing guidance - guidance providing information on how to identify signs of cuckooing and how to support people of all ages.
- Quality assurance framework
- Workforce Training Standards Framework - training standard to assists RWSAB partners to plan and deliver safeguarding adults training for their workforce of staff and volunteers that is appropriate for the requirements of their role.
- Safeguarding adults: Roles and responsibilities in health and care services
- Modern slavery - a council guide - guidance from the LGA providing clarity for councils on their role in tackling this issue
- Modern slavery Home Office guidance
- Pressure Ulcers - quick guide - useful guide developed by the Social Care Institute of Excellence and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence on managing pressure ulcers in care home settings
- Fire safety in specialised housing - a summary sheet for commissioners and providers of specialised housing and care services, for example, sheltered housing, extra care and supported living.
Leaflets, 7-minute topic briefings, and factsheets
- Adult family violence - matricide and Parricide information leaflet for practitioners developed by Kingston SAB, approved and adopted by Richmond and Wandsworth SAB
- Duty to refer someone who is homeless or threatened with homelessness - 7 minute briefing
- Making Safeguarding Personal factsheet
- Principles of engagement - a leaflet with tips on communicating and working with people
Other useful resources for professionals
- Advice on safeguarding concerns and how to support effective outcomes
- Mental Capacity Law and Policy - a useful resource on mental capacity law
- Help after rape and sexual assault - NHS information
- Exploitation Disruption Toolkit (NWG) - The National Working Group has developed the Exploitation Disruption Toolkit which addresses disruption mechanisms covering exploitation of adults as well as children.
- Modern slavery - GOV.UK - brings together documents and promotional material related to the government's work to end modern slavery
- Modern Slavery Helpline - provides victims, the public, statutory agencies and businesses access to information and support on a 24/7 basis
- OWL Neighbourhood Watch
- Charity Commission's safeguarding strategy - setting out reasonable steps charity trustees should take to safeguard beneficiaries
- Government portal to assist charities to strengthen their safeguarding
- Vulnerable Adults Multi-Agency Panel (VAMA)
- Community Multi Agency Risk Assessment Panel (CMARAP)