Multi-agency professional resources
On this page you will find a range of resources, policies, and guides with additional information on adult safeguarding.
Policies, procedures, guidance, and frameworks
- London Multi-agency policy and procedures
- Multi-agency Risk Assessment Framework - guidance aiming to provide an effective, coordinated and multi-agency response to complex cases which involve people who take or live with high levels of risk
- Mental Health Transitions Framework
- Promoting the MH Transitions Framework - presentation
- Patient-to-patient incidents - guidance on safeguarding incidents patient-to-patient in hospital settings
- Joint Protocols - medication, falls, pressure ulcers - guidance for health and social care staff to identify when a medication error should also trigger a safeguarding alert
- People in Position of Trust Framework - managing allegations against people in a position of trust
- Escalation guidance - guidance on how to resolve disagreements in relation to the London Safeguarding Adults Multi-agency Safeguarding Policy
- Cuckooing guidance - guidance providing information on how to identify signs of cuckooing and how to support people of all ages
- Quality assurance framework
- Workforce Training Standards Framework - training standard to assists RWSAB partners to plan and deliver safeguarding adults training for their workforce of staff and volunteers that is appropriate for the requirements of their role
- Safeguarding adults: Roles and responsibilities in health and care services
- Modern slavery - a council guide - guidance from the LGA providing clarity for councils on their role in tackling this issue
- Modern slavery Home Office guidance
- Pressure Ulcers - quick guide - useful guide developed by the Social Care Institute of Excellence and the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence on managing pressure ulcers in care home settings
- Fire safety in specialised housing - a summary sheet for commissioners and providers of specialised housing and care services, for example, sheltered housing, extra care and supported living
- National Guidance on SARs and Coronial Processes - developed by the National SAB Managers Network to provide an overview of legislative guidelines, good practice guidance, helpful tools and templates, and examples of local protocols, and to inform local working arrangements and support a joined-up approach
Leaflets, 7-minute topic briefings, and factsheets
- Adult family violence - matricide and Parricide information leaflet for practitioners developed by Kingston SAB, approved and adopted by Richmond and Wandsworth SAB
- Duty to refer someone who is homeless or threatened with homelessness - 7 minute briefing
- Making Safeguarding Personal factsheet
- Principles of engagement - a leaflet with tips on communicating and working with people
Other useful resources for professionals
- Advice on safeguarding concerns and how to support effective outcomes
- Mental Capacity Law and Policy - a useful resource on mental capacity law
- Help after rape and sexual assault - NHS information
- Exploitation Disruption Toolkit (NWG) - The National Working Group has developed the Exploitation Disruption Toolkit which addresses disruption mechanisms covering exploitation of adults as well as children.
- Modern slavery - GOV.UK - brings together documents and promotional material related to the government's work to end modern slavery
- Modern Slavery Helpline - provides victims, the public, statutory agencies and businesses access to information and support on a 24/7 basis
- OWL Neighbourhood Watch
- Charity Commission's safeguarding strategy - setting out reasonable steps charity trustees should take to safeguard beneficiaries
- Government portal to assist charities to strengthen their safeguarding
- Richmond Self-Neglect and Hoarding Panel
- Wandsworth Self-Neglect and Hoarding Panel