Community resources
Resources for residents living in Richmond and Wandsworth.
Read our Richmond and Wandsworth adult safeguarding leaflets.
- Keeping safe: safeguarding adults at risk from abuse and neglect
- Safeguarding adults easy read leaflet (for people with a learning disability)
- Go girl brochure: personal safety advice from Richmond-upon-Thames Safer Neighbourhood Board
- Keeping safe: safeguarding adults at risk from abuse and neglect
- Safeguarding adults easy read leaflet (for people with a learning disability)
Other useful leaflets
- Safeguarding process - easy read guide
- What is cuckooing?
- Bereavement scams
- Pressure ulcers - a leaflet for family members, carers and patients
- Booklet guide on phone scams - learn about the three most common phone scams
- Little Book of Big Scams - Met Police
- Fire safety in the home - London Fire Brigade
- Fire safety for users of health care products and equipment - London Fire Brigade
- Domestic abuse and COVID-19 - information for Richmond residents
- Domestic abuse and COVID-19 - information for Wandsworth residents
- Safeguarding is Everyone's Business - HM Government leaflet on safeguarding 2020#
- What to expect when you raise a safeguarding concern
- Useful Richmond Adult Social Care leaflets
- Useful Wandsworth Adult Social Care leaflets
- Making Safeguarding Personal factsheet
- Charge Safe - Is your e-bike/scooter a fire risk?
- Gangs and violence reduction booklet - pilot community gangs programme set up in 2011 to test an 'end-to-end' approach to the issues that gangs and gang-related activities generate
In these videos we provide information about what self-neglect is, how to recognise it, and where to report any concerns for people in Richmond and for Wandsworth.
Watch the Richmond self-neglect video:
Watch the Wandsworth self-neglect video:
Hate crime
Hate crime is a manifestation of prejudice and discrimination, where the perpetrator’s hostility against an identifiable group of people is a key factor in determining who is victimised. Both adults and children can be victims.
Preventing scams and financial abuse
The SAB's Richmond Communication and Engagement Subgroup (now the Richmond Forum) have worked closely with the Metropolitan Police Richmond to raise awareness about the risk of scams. These videos promotes the issue, and are also available with subtitles for silent viewing.
Using the Mental Capacity Act in the Community
This short video demonstrates how the Mental Capacity Act can be applied in community settings. It showcases the way people with care and support needs, their family and friends and professionals should work together by way of case example.
This video has been produced by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare NHS Trust.
How to get a health check up for people with learning disabilities
A short film about what happens at a NHS health check - aimed at people with learning disabilities.
Video campaign: Domestic Abuse
The Met has launched a video campaign to raise awareness of domestic abuse and encourage victims to seek help and support.
SCIE: Lessons from the murder of Steven Hoskin
This video demonstrates that partnership between agencies and procedures for sharing information are vital to adult safeguarding.
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs)
This short animated film has been developed to raise awareness of ACEs, their potential to damage health across the life course and the roles that different agencies can play in preventing ACEs and supporting those affected by them.
Tricky Friends
Tricky Friends" is a short animation developed to help people understand what good friendships are, when they might be harmful, and what they can do. It is important that people with learning disabilities and autism, those who have cognitive difficulties, and also children and young adults, have positive opportunities to make and maintain friendships.Adult safeguarding - British Sign Language
A video explaining what adult safeguarding is in British Sign Language, produced by Skills for Care, The College of Social Work and the National Skills Academy.
Transitional safeguarding
This short animation sets out what transitional safeguarding is and why it matters. It is intended to be highly accessible, rather than a resource for those who already understand the subject in more detail.